Thursday, 7 July 2011

Best Restaurant Week 9 Restaurant

Best Restaurant Week 9 Restaurant

9 Restaurant

800 Ninth Ave at 53rd St
Manhattan, NY 10019

Eric Hara, who recently revived the kitchen at The Plaza's Oak Room, is the chef/partner at 9 Restaurant, a new Midtown eatery with a sleek, contemporary, chocolate-hued setting. Hara's modern American menu includes lobster pigs in a blanket with lobster mayo, chicken and pepper jack cheese wonton dumplings, and a Ritz cracker–crusted New York strip steak. Hara is talented enough to pull it all off with aplomb. The restaurant recently expanded to serving lunch and brunch (say yes to the baked eggs and short-rib mushroom hash as well as the $20 all-you-can-drink champagne cocktails). Currently, there's also a well-priced prix-fixe lunch menu Monday through Friday featuring two courses for $15.
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