Friday, 2 September 2011

nyc vegan restaurant, Angelica Kitchen

nyc vegan restaurant, Angelica Kitchen
300 East 12th Street
New York   NY 10003
(212) 228-2909
Fax: (212) 228-3108
Angelica Kitchen website

Veg level:

100% Vegan

Price Range:

$$$$$ (Average entree cost: $10-$15)

Accepted Payments:

  • Cash Only


11:30am-10:30pm daily.


Between 1st & 2nd Avenues. Take the L to 1st Avenue, or take the 4, 5, 6, N, R, Q, or W to 14th Street-Union Square.

Delivery notes:

Angelica Kitchen does not deliver.


A NYC mainstay. If you love old school vegan food or if you were in gradeschool or a coma in the 90s, Anglica's might be the place for you.

Next door to the main restaurant, there is a seperate entrance for take-out or counter service (with very limited seating).

Warning to caffeine fiends - the strongest thing here is Orange Pekoe tea; they do not serve coffee.


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