Thursday, 8 September 2011

nyc vegan restaurant, Angels & Kings

nyc vegan restaurant, Angels & Kings
500 East 11th Street
New York   NY 10009
(212) 254-4090
Angels & Kings website

Veg level:

Not Vegetarian (decent vegan options)
Menu does not indicate vegan items

Price Range:

$$$$$ (Average entree cost: $5-$10)


Tues-Sun 8pm-4am. Closed Mondays.


Between Avenues A and B. L train to First Avenue.

Delivery notes:

Angels & Kings does not deliver.


There's nothing specifically vegan about this bar, but one of the owners is vegan and it's the location for Vegan Drinks, a monthly bar night sponsored by SuperVegan.

As of December, 2010, there is a special vegan food menu offered during Vegan Drinks.

Vegan Drinks is generally held here the last Thursday of each month.


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